
on Sunday, October 18, 2009

I was thinking as I sat down with my math book on saturday, hearing people mess around in the common room: How do they have time? Don't they have schoolwork to do?
I was impressed, they have to either be incredibly good at studying being able to do it all so fast or have learned some other magical way to manage their workload. On sunday morning I learned the trick - you just don't do your homwork.
Funny enough, this thought had never before entered my mind. To completely skip homework (as in not writing the assignment at all, not doing the sums) was just beyond what I've ever done. And I realised that if I could put this into practice I would be able to free time and energy to do other things like getting involved with someone or the community or save the world... which is the reason I am here by the way.
So I thought I would try - and found that I couldn't. I can forget homework, I can be too sick or tired to do it, but I cant skip it by sheer will. So I started to think about inhibitions.
There are many inhibitions in place in my life. My family expect me to not get drunk and not sleep around and take my school work seriously, and it's the way I've been brought up so I do it. So it was a bit of an eye opener the other philosophy caf lesson. How come you of all people where selected to be taught the truth by your parents?
This got me thinking, a thing philosophy lessons tend to do, about my values and things I held to be true. Here, in India I am so far from everything that resembles my life in Sweden and I don't have any parents to supervise, I can practically develop as much and in any directon I want.
Free to do whatever I want (kinda). So why don't I?
It is so profoundly ingrained in me, these things I shouldn't do. It is hard to decide that I actually don't have time to do a part of my homework if I want to get out of my corner at all today.

What if I let go of all my inhibitions? It doesn't necessarily mean that I lose my common sense, so what would happen? Would I feel freer? Would I be freer?


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